Reflections of Gray
My musings on spirituality, philosophy, politics, religion, some attempts with poetry and some really weird theories.
Monday, September 03, 2018
Words Escape Me
Friday, July 15, 2011
No Room For The Human Ego In Spiritual Evolution
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Empathy: Gift or Curse
Like an unexpected storm the tears stream down my face for one who could meet my gaze and never feel the battle I fight is for him.
For a moment I feel it weaken and then without warning, my heart is heavy again.
Why am I allowed to sense the anguish of one who refuses to face what is his?
Is life a trade?
One soul for another?
Would I go as far as offering my happiness so that he may maintain ignorance of his pain?
Is this a choice?
Who am I?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Her mind shattered by all the lies.
Where there was once hope, now pain.
Wondering if she will ever be happy again.
I see her grow yet suspended in time.
Never moving forward, always left behind.
Dreaming of what could be.
Never reaching beyond the gloom.
Lying on her bed in her forever closed room.
Her shades drawn, closed tight.
Eternally looming night.
I hear her speak but never above a whisper.
Hoping yet afraid someone might hear.
Looking for answers she kneels on the floor.
Saying a silent prayer once more.
I see her. She is me.
Forever running to be free.
Monday, February 28, 2011
I feel within.
Held accountable for many sins.
Whether they're mine
or from another time.
They brand me
They scar me.
They bar me from life.
All intertwined.
Your will or mine?
What's right?
What's wrong?
I've been waiting far too long.
I need you to approve
before I make any move.
Your silence grows
like a cancer in my brain.
I pray all night
only to wait again.
My needs, my desires.
Who do they belong to?
You made me who I am
for a reason.
So release me
from this prison.
Tell me, how long do I wait
before love turns to hate?
No test too hard for the true believer.
However, there is one thing I cannot deliver.
The understanding you seek in me
Is far beyond anything I could ever be.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
As for the atheists out there, no one need judge them either. So the intolerance thing doesn't stop with religious or spiritual people. My version of creation and evolution is my own and I don't judge others who think differently.
What path do you wish to follow? Intolerance, judgment, ignorance, hate, apathy or compassion, empathy, wisdom and love for humanity? Who are you to judge others when you don't bother to research or get to know who it is you are placing under such scrutiny?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
All Life is Sacred
For a country that prides itself on being so courageous and powerful, inside our very own boundaries we do not take care of our hungry, homeless, elderly or young. Gang violence is its own war but it seems we don't do much about it. Things are happening HERE in America NOW that need our attention.
Meanwhile people are not giving our new president a chance. They expect miracles. The media is so bias it's ridiculous to even watch. I believe the Fox news network should be taken off the air completely. Then we have the Jerry Springer of politics, Rush Limbaugh who spews lies about himself and others every chance he can get. On the other side there's Micheal Moore who seems to believe he's doing some good with his films but one is just as bad as the other. Their choice of material only creates havoc and more division between the two political parties.
To me ALL life is sacred and I will never understand violence and war when there are better ways to work things out. I mean no disrespect to our troops. I may not understand or agree with war but I will always pray for their safe return. I just wish they were fighting for a country worth fighting for instead of the capitalistic, conglomerate we call America. Yes, I know that is harsh and I don't mean to sound ungrateful but it seems the priorities of this county are a bit whacked. We let insurance companies dictate how, when and even if we get health care. Don't like the idea of socialized medicine? There are countries out there where the Doctors work for the government and the health care is free and the mortality rate is much less than we have here in America. Our health care system ranks in the 30s internationally. We are far behind not only in how we manage our health care but our procedures are lacking as well. People seem to prefer to fly to Europe to get specialized surgeries because we just don't have the knowledge over here yet.
Bottom line, we are a very young country who could stand to learn a bit from example. Instead we seem to be on more of a power trip. All life is connected. Borders are something we create just as the religious dogma that also aids in division instead of unity. Yes, I am a hippy and I will continue to respect all life.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas is NOT Thanksgiving

I'm not quite sure why Americans seem to think Christmas is the appropriate time to give thanks to our soldiers. Now we have to color his birthday, which no one can accurately calculate, with the blood of war. The holiday has already suffered loss of meaning by commercialization. People pushing and shoving to get just the right gift for a loved one or friend on Christ's birthday. Some who recognize the holiday don't even believe the man existed. If you don't believe Christ existed at all then DON'T celebrate it. For those proud Americans who seem to think this is the opportune time to bring war into the picture by thanking our soldiers for being in a war that should never have been is appalling. To celebrate bloodshed on this day of all days makes my stomach sick and my heart hurt. I refuse to label myself under any religion because of the dogma that comes with it. People are missing the whole meaning of Christ. He symbolizes unconditional love, trust and unity by embracing diversity. Man made ideologies seem to promote quite the opposite. Only ONE religion can be right. Which is yet another, falsehood. Here we adapt the meaning of Christ to fit our own small minded agendas.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
We are more than our flesh.
We are all born with a moral compass. Philosophies like treating each other the way we want others to treat us should be common sense. Sadly, it is not because some folks can't realize their full potential spiritually if they don't see beyond the flesh. World peace will never happen if we cannot meet on some common ground and I believe our spirit selves are that common ground. It is the foundation of who we are as individuals and as a complete consciousness. In other words, regardless of beliefs, thoughts, etc., we are all made from the same energy (God) and that is where our roots are found. It is so important to be clear when we communicate with each other because no two people are going to view the same situation in the same way as long as they are using their brains only. We are all here as teachers and students of one another. If we truly could grasp the concept that we are all a part of each other, just imagine how that would change our views and the way we relate to one another. Having your opinion is one thing but to expect others to adhere to what your brain is telling you is preposterous and sadly, there is no unity if we continue to cling to our own ideals without even a chance of imagining how this might affect others in a much larger picture. We are not just a country, we are a world full of people and acceptance comes from embracing our differences for that is the only way we can learn and teach one another. Close minded individuals have no idea what they are missing out on because they cling so tightly to their ideals and beliefs. We cannot all be right or wrong. We just are and just how God intended us to be... individuals as humans but spiritually connected to Him.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Chance For Peace
Emotional Resonance Theory
We have become consumed by our own wants and needs and disconnected from true emotions weather they originate within ourselves or from others. We seem to shut off all stimuli not pertaining to ourselves. What if we were aware enough and open minded enough to tap into others emotions? What if there were a possibility of emotional resonance, where we all affect each other by a current or wake produced by a collective consciousness? Maybe that’s what true empathy is or why some psychics are so successful. What if déjà vu worked the same way? A person is able to walk through another’s emotional wake and be affected by it because, for whatever reason, that person is in tune to another’s emotional energy or “frequency”.
What if the human race is misunderstanding what we all perceive as emotions? How do we know if they’re really our own or an emotional resonance from someone else or even from another time? If the emotional resonance theory were true there might be people capable of being constantly in tune with other’s emotions or states of mind. I wonder how different the world would be if we were all aware of this possibility.
If you think about it, almost every action a person makes has to do with an emotional state. Unless you’re a robot you cannot escape this. Even those who seem to be in “control” will eventually hit a point where they may reach their emotional limit, leaving those around him or her who are sensitive to this, in an emotional wake or resonance.
With how large the world's population is today, making decisions that affect others, wars break out, anger, hate and many more negative elements that reside within us are at an all time high. What if all of this is due to a misunderstanding of where our own emotions originate? Everything has a resonate frequency so why not our emotions as well? If that were the case, we would be living in an ocean of emotional chaos. Waves and ripples of all sizes, going in different directions, even crashing into one another. If we could harness this somehow or even begin to comprehend this idea, we may be able to actually start living a more peaceful existence. Ever mindful of our actions and how we affect each other. Then we would be a true extension of one another actually living in unity.