I have been thinking a good bit lately about the laws of attraction. After viewing a Jon Stewart episode where he had an author on who seemed very defensive and closed off to the idea of the laws of attraction. I don't think she realizes that it's not a new way of being. Hindus and Yogis have been practicing this for years. It is better to embrace something negative weather it be an illness, a person or a situation. It is only then one can truly understand the body and fighting a disease with negative energy only increases fear. Both of which are highly toxic to the immune system. I have had to learn to embrace some pretty crappy things throughout my life but it wasn't until then that I realized I was starting to evolve spiritually. This is why I don't believe that one religion rules over the other. They are ideologies that our brain either adapts to or refuses. If one were to listen more to the spirit self there would be much less confusion, racism, war, hate, famine etc. We are letting an organ (the brain) create a world that is not necessarily full of truths. The spirit can and does think for itself. That is who we really are and how God made us in his own image. So no, I don't believe God is a dude with a long white beard waiting at a pair of pearly gates. Our body is not in his image but our energy or spiritual self is. Our brain is just an organ. It's a tool we use. Our true self is all comprised of energy. Everything else dies and decays whereas the soul or spirit self continues on. Who we are lies beyond an organ. As I listened to this author twist words around to make this way of being sound almost foolish, and even though she claims to have tried this through her illness, I couldn't help but see that she had no clue as to what it is like to think or exist beyond the flesh. Our bodies are just something we're encased in folks. The way we inhabit them and use them to relate to others is what really counts. But again, that is not all we are. This is also why I believe we are all a part of one another spiritually. It does not matter what religion we adhere to or chose not adhere to. We are all finger prints of God. I realize God is known by many names and is thought of in many different ways. I'm not putting down anyone's religious choice. That is a freedom God gave to us. Just as he made us all individuals but at the same time, at a spiritual level, we are all a part of him. I know I may sound nutty and new agey but the truth is, what I'm saying here is older than most religions. It's all in how your brain perceives God, religion, etc. And that is why it is so important to embrace each others differences instead of fighting against them. Unconditional love is all about the acceptance of others regardless of how their minds might comprehend what is right and wrong. When it comes to unconditional love there is no right and wrong way to accept one another.
We are all born with a moral compass. Philosophies like treating each other the way we want others to treat us should be common sense. Sadly, it is not because some folks can't realize their full potential spiritually if they don't see beyond the flesh. World peace will never happen if we cannot meet on some common ground and I believe our spirit selves are that common ground. It is the foundation of who we are as individuals and as a complete consciousness. In other words, regardless of beliefs, thoughts, etc., we are all made from the same energy (God) and that is where our roots are found. It is so important to be clear when we communicate with each other because no two people are going to view the same situation in the same way as long as they are using their brains only. We are all here as teachers and students of one another. If we truly could grasp the concept that we are all a part of each other, just imagine how that would change our views and the way we relate to one another. Having your opinion is one thing but to expect others to adhere to what your brain is telling you is preposterous and sadly, there is no unity if we continue to cling to our own ideals without even a chance of imagining how this might affect others in a much larger picture. We are not just a country, we are a world full of people and acceptance comes from embracing our differences for that is the only way we can learn and teach one another. Close minded individuals have no idea what they are missing out on because they cling so tightly to their ideals and beliefs. We cannot all be right or wrong. We just are and just how God intended us to be... individuals as humans but spiritually connected to Him.